Dear Students,

This Institute has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).

The TWC-assigned Institute number is:

Laredo - S2290

San Benito - S1048

Pharr - S1838

The Braden programs are approved by TWC, Texas Health and Human Services, and accredited through the Council on Occupational Education.

Students must address their concerns about this Institute or any of its educational programs by following the grievance process outlined in the Institute's catalog. colleges are responsible for ensuring and documenting that all students have received a copy of the Institute's grievance procedures and for describing these procedures in the Institute's published catalog. If, as a student, you were not provided with this information, please inform Institute management.

Students dissatisfied with this Institute's response to their complaint or who are not able to file a complaint with the Institute can file a formal complaint with TWC, as well as with other relevant agencies or ac creditors, if applicable.

Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC's Career Schools and Institute's Website at


Student Complaints and Concerns Process

Many questions or concerns that students may have can be resolved through discussion. The institute will make a good faith effort to resolve all concerns. Students with concerns should observe the following:

A student grievance should be brought up to their instructor. If the grievance is not resolved by the instructor. The student may bring the grievance to the Institute director. If the grievance is not resolved by the director, the grievance may be forwarded to administration. If the grievance is not resolved by administration; the grievance may be forwarded to the Texas Workforce Commission or Council on Occupational Education to the following addresses:

Texas Workforce Commission

Career Schools and Colleges
101 E 15th St. Austin, TX 78778

Council on Occupational Education

7840 Roswell Road
Building 300, Suite 325
Atlanta, GA 30350

If a student files a complaint, documentation of the complaint is filed in accordance with the school policy and stored at the director’s office for review.


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